1. Transition of power

As it continues to grow, the economic power of Asia, will grow the military power of China and, to a lesser extent India, increasing rivalry between China and the united States of America. Even though the European Union and Russia will remain important policy actors, will diminish its economic power and global influence, without a clear identification of the impact of this trend in Argentina. The next decade may be accompanied by increased internal disputes related to trade and cultural relations, which reflect the different choices of models for the development of the country.

2. Human empowerment

The human security will be boosted at the global level together with the economic growth, in Argentina will increase the social inequalities and produce situations of imbalance and internal disputes.

3. Centralization of information

The efforts of education, science and technology, which are indispensable to harness the power of processing, the volume and variety of data and connectivity, will continue to grow exponentially by regulating the ability to solve problems of greater complexity and difficulty, concentrates, and governed by the more developed countries, exposing vulnerabilities chronicles of Argentina to identify the effect of the centralization of information as a matter of strategic deepens gaps of governance.

4. Acceleration of technology and exploitation of resources

The technology will produce improvements in all areas, including human empowerment, medicine, transport, allowing you to identify and exploit new resources in space and jurisdictional common global, resulting in new challenges for the governance and making visible imbalances in the ability to incorporate these advances to manage the sustainable exploitation of strategic resources argentine.

5. Climate change

The growing appreciation of the communities on the influence of the human footprint in the climate change will generate new challenges for the governance and the national contribution to the international governance. Floods, droughts, storms, heat waves and heavy rains that are expected to be more frequent and intense, will affect to a greater extent the human security of the poorest and the potential development of real agroganaderos by the change of the environmental conditions, which challenge the productive profile of traditional country. The difficulty and cost of the progressive management of climate change highlights the strategic importance of the environments fluvial, maritime antarctic and to Argentina by the resources that they contain, and their effects on the increase of the stress environmental regulator of climate.

6. Changes to the population and living conditions

The population growth global unbalanced, with an increase in the number of young people in Argentina and aging in the eurasian region, is a risk that could lead to the migration towards the outer if does not generate conditions of life attractive in the country.

7. Unforeseen

The factors disruptive that can speed up the trends to make them disappear tend to be unexpected by the pace of change or the complex interaction and produce disproportionate effects by exceptional events, are difficult to predict, or that they passed unnoticed, and they produced a great impact. There are, in addition, topics that are intended to be known and understood, but to evolve and become more complex and uncertain. Added to this, aspects that no one wants to deal and generate blind spots where go unnoticed signs of change. The three aspects that increase the demand of long-term visions and surveying continuous data of the reality in Argentina.