“Global Trends 2040 a More Contested World” presents the trends in the global strategic products emerging from the dynamics between the four structural forces and the decisions at the international, national and sub-state. The structural forces or ideas that drivers are demographics and human development, the environment, technology and economy. As products emerging trends are new challenges, fragmentation, disputes, imbalances and desadaptaciones.
To evaluate the impact on the Argentina of the trends in the global strategic from the perspective of the marine environment, it is necessary to review the context.
Environment and community maritime
The concept of maritime domain formulated by the International Maritime Organization in the past decade, the Spanish have been referred to as “marine environment”, which facilitates their understanding, because “domain” is normally associated with the supremacy of the naval forces in the sea. Replacing a domain environment, it can be identified that refers to the set of all areas and things of, on, under, relating to, adjacent to, or bordering on a sea, ocean or other navigable waterway, including all sea-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, and vessels and other means of transport.
Based on the concept of marine environment can be identified to the maritime community as the set of people who perform its activities or depend on the marine environment. All of the people who live off tourism on an island in the Caribbean, or a large part of the inhabitants of the city of Mar del Plata, which comprise the maritime community, your quality of life will depend on the health of the marine environment and the economic activities associated with it.
The vision of the complexity
The course of the last decades of the TWENTIETH century and the TWENTY-first century has brought new perspectives to understand the world as a complex system, and interdependent highlighting the marine environment as a key area for human security, and the management of global climate change with a view to sustainable development. This poses new challenges to the traditional to the contribution of the states and communities in the maritime global governance, as well as being increasing the dependence of the humanity of the marine resources.
Dependence of the sea
From scientific advances and new technological developments that allow you to locate and exploit the resources in the hands of private companies whose capabilities to compete with the national states, new needs of protection of private assets in the seas. Not only the consumption of animal protein from the sea continues to grow exponentially, also the use of minerals submarines, hydrocarbons, the advance of the determination of the genetic maps of the marine species hitherto unknown, and industrial applications derived from them, are an important business. Tourism on the coasts and in the ocean, water sports activities and the exploitation of the sea for the generation of energy, are attached to the research along with the possibility of using the sea to roll back carbon emissions to the atmosphere through projects that allow for returning the carbon to the deep sea. The maritime trade, which involves about a hundred thousand ships crossing the oceans carrying the ninety percent of global trade is an activity that involves the almost two million containers, the port infrastructure and transport, the insurance business and the shipbuilding industry, among others. As a medium of exchange of information, more than a million kilometres of submarine cables lie on the seabed providing global connectivity to the interdependent world financial and world trade. As a result of this growing dependence and the view of the progressive assessment of the community of the needs posed by the sustainable development for future generations to enjoy the planet, a number of states and alliances, new strategies have been developed for comprehensive management of the marine environment.
The growing knowledge of what is contained in the sea, generate new interests that respond to technological applications to allow the use of resources, new abilities to explore and exploit resources in depths of up to fifteen thousand feet, huge cruise ships that carry up to four thousand passengers, transport of up to thirty thousand containers, pipelines and submarine transport of liquefied gas, fishing fleets industrial operating at great distances for long periods, farms, fishing in the sea, etc At the same time old practices as the coastal artisanal fishing, is threatened by predation and pollution from the land, generating tensions and disputes. Old practices such as piracy continue to affect the good order at sea, together with the phenomena of trafficking of prohibited substances and people, increasing the needs of governance. The countries react with national organizations, state-to-state and even private armies of varying impact to maintain good order at sea, protecting their interests, as the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden, the Strait of Malacca, or the Gulf of Guinea, while preventing the illegal trafficking of persons in the Mediterranean Sea, the drug trafficking in the South Sea of China and in the Caribbean, the increase of illegal fishing is not regulated and unregulated fishing, etc Finally, the employment of the maritime spaces as a means to project power linked to the resources that come from the sea or transported by him, as well as show frequent domestic or international operations, locks, activities of deterrence through the employment of naval forces, including war operations in and from the sea.
Regulatory framework
The United Nations Convention On the Rights of the Sea in 1982, considered as a real constitution of the sea, “Establishes a legal order for the seas and oceans which will facilitate international communication, and will promote the peaceful uses of the seas and oceans, the equitable utilization and efficient use of their resources, the study, protection and preservation of the marine environment and the conservation of their living resources”, on the understanding that “the progressive development and codification of the law of the sea will contribute to the strengthening of peace, security, the cooperation and friendly relations among all nations in conformity with the principles of justice and equal rights and will promote the economic and social advancement of all peoples of the world, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the united nations, as set forth in your letter.” Today it seems to have fulfilled the purpose, 168 states have ratified the Convention. Sets the sorting space marine, guarantees the freedom of navigation, responsibilities for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, for the research, development and transfer of technology and for the resolution of disputes. However, the conflict for the resources of hydrocarbons found in the eastern Mediterranean was a conflict of magnitude between Turkey (which has not ratified the Convention), and Greece in 2021.
The Convention increased the responsibilities of coastal states first in the exclusive economic zones, the time that you opened the mechanisms for which to set the limits of the continental shelves, the expansion of the rights and responsibilities of States. Similarly, it opened up the possibility of reservations of areas outside of the jurisdictions of state for the exploitation of the seabed as it occurs in the Pacific Ocean in the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone, regulated by the Authority of the seabed.
On the other hand, from the New York Agreement of 1995, led from the United Nations the creation of a framework of Regional Fisheries Organizations to regulate the fishing of species tranzonales among the states that capture these species outside of the exclusive economic zones, on the high seas, in order to preserve marine biodiversity, and discourage the illegal, giving rise to what is known as fishing illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing that is seen is up to twenty percent of the volume of industrial fishing, global.
Today, it is in progress, the international Conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond the jurisdiction that will generate new demands for global governance in the marine environment.
Since the last decades of the TWENTIETH century the concept of security was grossly enlarged and changed their axis of the safety of the states to focus on the people and in human development, noting its multi-dimensionality. It can be observed that both the agendas of international security as the national security of different countries, which include different subjects and objects of security, which has also given rise to new theories and practices that often conflict with what were considered to be principles above, such is the case of the autonomy and the principle of non-intervention, compared to the responsibility to protect.
Without delving into the consequences of these interpretations, the maritime strategies consider the need to promote the development of communities to improve their resilience. The effects of the practices detailed above may be considered disvaliosas from this central vision of human development.
Sustainable development
In keeping with the systemic vision of the planet and the priority assigned to human development, the international community promoted through the Organization of the United Nations, the sustainable development goals for 2030 aimed at ensuring that generations to come can enjoy a world with the same possibilities as the current. Are seventeen interrelated objectives, the objective fourteen refers to Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The Republic of Argentina agreed to promote these objectives.
Non-governmental actors
The role of non-governmental actors, companies or organizations of civil society has been increasing progressively, both for its economic capacity, as by the power achieved through the management of information on the marine environment. The holdings international that centralize the government of the international trade maritime negotiate or in some cases imposed by the rules of the national states through direct or indirect actions; they have an economic power that far exceeds that of most countries. On the other hand, both the companies directly or through civil society organizations that are sponsored by these, investigate, gain knowledge, concentrated information and develop technologies to intervene in the maritime domain assuming a growing power, which establishes cooperative relationships or competitive with the states, to the monopoly of the exercise of the power of knowledge. The global commons of sea, represent a fertile ground for the growth of these activities where the governance responds to the international effort. In the specific field of the protection of state property and private, the private companies continue to gain a leading role, particularly in countries with weak capacities in the field or in the global commons in which the private action is usually less complex than the state of the existing rules.
Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Since 1833 they were taken away from the Islands Malvinas, Georgias and South Sandwich by the british crown, the Argentina claims these insular possessions which formed part of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata and in which it is installed argentine citizens after the Independence of our country. The impact of the theft has been gaining greater impact in terms of surface maritime with the growth of the maritime jurisdiction in such a way that, at present, thirty-three percent of the spaces maritime jurisdiction argentina is in the hands of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, affecting also the expectations of projection mainland over the Antarctic territory that is repeated the conflict, the areas claimed by the british overlap with those recognized by Argentina. This conflict over the territorial sovereignty is maintained to the present.
Argentina and Chile
With the country, it is also manifested a potential controversy linked to the projection Antarctica Argentina. Both countries claim sectors antarctic overlapping with the criterion of projection continental. This year, Chile indicated that its claims to continental shelf, are projected to the east of the meridian, which was bounded on the ocean space in the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1984. The limits of the continental shelves should be agreed between neighbouring countries in order to be approved.
Conclusions of the Environment
The importance and the approach of the future of the marine environment has changed substantially since the second half of the TWENTIETH century until the present, the structural forces identified in the Global Trends 2040 a More Contested World and the decisions adopted internationally have resulted in a global vision global to address the sustainability of the planet, it focuses on the need for the comprehensive management of this domain is mostly composed of global commons in relation to the activities in the territory emerged resulting in increased demand for governance in the face of increased pressure on the resources and their role in sustainability.
The impact in Argentina
The international environment described above produced no responses effective or efficient in the national level, demonstrating weaknesses in the decision-making process, first to identify global trends and strategic issues, and in the second term to produce comprehensive solutions that improve national governance and the contribution to global governance. The marine environment is approached from the analysis of sectors from specialists disconnected and not with a holistic view, resulting in responses desadaptadas to reality, not including the interests of the maritime community that promotes the blue economy, and in many cases based on the degree of influence of different sectors in the management of government and temporal needs of the domestic political election, increasing the level of international disputes. The national organizations, provincial and municipal governments and communities in the maritime are not integrated and coordinated, multiplying the disestablishment of the organizations in relation to the purposes for which imposes the agenda of short-term and long-term marine environment. The lack of systematic incorporation of technologies that enable the merge research with the data of reality is one of the vulnerabilities more and more evident that limits the development and protection of the decision-making system. By way of example: while they have led to measures for the protection of marine areas and the other to encourage the conduct of marine scientific research, has been assigned to the Naval Prefecture Argentina functions of internal security distant from the sea, which involve up to eighty percent of their human capital and material and desfinanciaron the naval forces of the defense, producing an imbalance of regional military forces. Simultaneously is assigned to a vessel intended for the protection of marine protected areas in the sea, in the middle of a permanent financial crisis and stagnation in the economic growth of the country.