In order to reach the well-being of our people and we need to grow, and to do this in Argentina should be inserted in the world by leveraging its strengths is not novel, nor questioned. But yes, it is a good starting point is to adopt a strategy that, from our identity, the east, the power of the country in pursuit of the national interest.
The will is not an ability, capacity built with effort, guided by a vision of the future resulting from a comprehensive understanding of the conditions of the environment. On the other hand, it would be disastrous strive to solve problems non-existent.
The international and regional environment is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. It offers temporal windows of opportunities, challenges, risks and threats that are from a clear identification of the own strengths and weaknesses. It requires observation and systematic investigation and continuous dynamics existing between the surrounding reality and the political decision-making, since this determines the degree of freedom of action for decision makers.
The continuous observation should lead to investigate methodically to produce shared knowledge. Is necessary for the collection, analysis, integration and correlation of a lot of data to transform them into information that ensures the quality of the decision-making process. It is necessary to know the best possible way the moral forces and materials international and national.
Diagnosis suggests that the function of generating knowledge for the decision is not in the optimal degree of development. Can and must be improved, from the national administration of government, to build a way of basing a growth possible and durable: the national strategy.
Produce and share knowledge for decision making is the first point to build awareness and to seek consensus on a possible strategy. This consensus implies more than a mission statement, because it implies bases of legitimation of the method to follow to guide a coordinated national policies and reflects the dynamic vision and shared (of the opportunities, challenges, risks and threats, considered in the light of strengths and weaknesses). The consensus enables you to compose the different languages, the scheduling of the meeting of the whole of society and to balance the internal pressure through the collective consciousness. Its consequence is the ability to orient the material and symbolic resources in the chosen direction, adapting to the efforts according to the needs.
The proposal is to develop centers of fusion, and dissemination of information by areas of interest, interconnected, acting as observers of the situation and repositories of research, with the support of science data to strengthen the decision-making process.
This proposal improving governance at all levels of management, integrating criteria for inclusion, and integrity. Is possible because it is not expensive, and because we have the human capital and the technology to carry it out and it has no political cost for the makers of a Argentina republican and federal because it reflects a demand of the society to the political class.
The fusion centers and the dissemination of information to expand the memory and analysis, and generate a capacity essential to the management levels of national, provincial and municipal levels.
The democratic values that inspire our community are supported by the improvement of the knowledge and make it available to decision-makers. In addition, the dissemination of information is a factor of attraction for the active citizenship, through the promotion of awareness.
The fusion centers and the dissemination of information interconnected together in the office of the Cabinet of Ministers, responsible for coordinating with the other powers of the State, the states provincial, and these, with the municipalities. Each center get data from the civil society and organizations dependent and each distributes this built-in knowledge as information to the decision-makers in government and the community.
The security classification of the information to spread, and dissemination of effective, particularly in matters related to national security, will be restricted to objective criteria.
The project of creating fusion centers and the dissemination of information may seem unapproachable magnitude. However, here, we developed a proposal for the marine environment, which can be transformed in a case of success
Awareness of the marine environment
To increase the awareness of the marine environment there are two lines of action:
1) Appoint to the office of the Cabinet of Ministers as the authority for implementation of the national maritime strategy and as a coordinating authority at the national level.
2) Create the National Centre for Fusion, and Dissemination of Information of the Marine Environment to strengthen the quality of the decision-making process through the advice founded on the knowledge and dissemination of information.
It is necessary to increase the awareness related to the strategic issues in the marine environment[[1]] with a holistic view of its complexity, taking into account that the humanity is increasingly dependent on the sea, and grows the assessment of sustainable development. In this environment, a number of states and alliances apply public policies contained in maritime strategies that take into account the standards and practices to create conditions of safety and to achieve its interests. An element common to them all is that the view of the governance of the future must be built with the participation of all the actors and the use of energy-efficient technologies that transform the data into information for decision making. In this way, it facilitates the use of all sources of power to maintain, modify, or create the state of things that allow the sustainable development of the marine environment, by combining the health of the environment, the exploitation responsible economic, development and human security and the protection of people and property. A strategy requires continuous awareness and finish of the marine environment.
Awareness is much more to understand. Means to engage, assess, prepare, make our a topic and act accordingly. The impact of the pandemic of COVID 19 made us aware of the complexity of our health and to modify practices, individual and social. We are aware of the threat posed by the virus. With greater or lesser effectiveness of the governments and communities we reflect that self-awareness through practices and norms that shape our lives. Individual or collective experience, marked by the relations of family life, group and partner in the development of cultural practices, religious, educational, political, and social policies in general are also areas of trainers of consciousness.
Before starting a course on national security, we asked our students about this connection between quality of life and the marine environment. Only 10% stated a relationship one-to-one. Although the dimension of the sample is not conclusive, it tends to ratify the perception of the public service that we had for years. The degree of actual consciousness is not enough to address the sustainable development of the marine environment through a strategy.
Argentina, a country, the oceanic whitetip, with an important river system and projection in the Antarctic, you should prioritize the think and apply their own strategy for the marine environment, in line with the region, facing the impact central in the development. In both federal republic, even when the national State has areas of exclusive competence, its strategy requires the confluence of the thought and action of the local communities and governments (national, provincial and municipal. Ten provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires have a coastline or inland waterway over the rivers Of the Plata, Paraná and Uruguay, and in them at least a hundred municipalities directly interact with that environment. Practices that develop the communities and the decisions that are made in each of these jurisdictions and at different levels of government have consequences on the marine environment and vice versa.
The illegal occupation of the Islands Malvinas, Georgias and the South Sandwich by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland involves around 30% of the maritime area of national jurisdiction, reflects a conflict that affects our rights and interests, present and future, its management must be included in the strategy of the marine environment.
Throughout the process of formation, consolidation and development of our country, is created important organizations and officers of the civil society, non-governmental, academic and private companies that make up the maritime community-oriented knowledge, management and exploitation of the marine environment.
The diagnosis is that at the time that were gaining in expertise, the absence of a level of connection and coordination led to the data obtained on the marine environment are sparse and do not generate enough information to reach the degree of awareness that leads to action because of their importance and priority.
In response to this diagnosis, we propose two lines of action to increase the awareness about marine environment; the first to assign to the office of the Cabinet of Ministers, the national responsibility of implementation and coordination, and the second to centralize the information for decision making on a National Centre for Fusion, and Dissemination of Information of the Marine Environment.
The proposal would: 1) suitable for the proposed objective, as the Centre will collect the data to generate information, advise the executing authority and shall disseminate this information to the different stakeholders linked to the marine environment; 2) feasible because the regulatory framework allows for its implementation, it has the human capital and assets to provide this service leave from facilities installed; and 3) acceptable as for the cost, as a starting point for increasing awareness through knowledge. The situation of the finances argentine imposes the restriction to propose options that increase the public expenditure. For this reason, this proposal leverages the existing organizations.
Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers and executive authority of coordination[[2]]
Assign the Chief of staff to this function is relevant, as it is responsible for “to coordinate and monitor the activities of the Ministries and of the different areas in your office doing your programming and control strategic, in order to obtain consistency in the actions of the management and increase its effectiveness”.[[3]] Activities related to the marine environment involving all the Ministers (of the Interior, of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, Defense, Economy, production Development, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Transport, Public Works, Justice and Human Rights, Safety, Health, Social Development, Women, Equality and Diversity, of Education, of Culture, of Science, Technology and Innovation, of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the Environment and Sustainable Development, of Tourism and Sports, Territorial Development and Habitat).
In addition, at least thirty-eight decentralised agencies dependent of the national administration[[4]] have a competition in the marine environment.
The Head of the Cabinet of Ministers shall establish the arrangements for the exchange of information with the leaders and provincial organizations of the civil society.
In the organizational structure of the office of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs will have executive powers to develop the maritime strategy.
National centre for Fusion, and Dissemination of Information of the Marine Environment.
This National Center aims to be a repository of data and information for decision-making in an instant, continuous and up-to-date on all the knowledge areas and things of, on, under, relating to, adjacent to, or bordering on a sea, ocean or other navigable waterway, including all sea-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, and vessels and other means of transport. In this way merge data relating to the health of the environment, economic activities, development and human security, international and national security standards.

The Center is a critical capability for the decision-making process at all levels of governance, since it is responsible for collecting, merge, analyze, and disseminate information to those responsible for the decision making to facilitate effective understanding of all the nodes of the marine environment. Allows you to access, develop and maintain data on the performance of the policies related to the marine environment.
To take advantage of and enhance the existing facilities is convenient to work in the field of Head of State Major General of the Navy, taking advantage of the human capital existing facilities and the deployment of the Argentine Navy, the national network of regional and global associations of maritime information exchange classified and non-classified oriented to the situation at national, regional and global levels.
The Center is responsible for proposing standards for the exchange and cooperation between the ministries, provincial and municipal governments and with civil society organizations.
The Center contributes to the alert strategic national and regional levels through the early detection of phenomena suspects and potential threats giving time for decisions, allowing a gain in freedom of action. Improving the continuity of knowledge of the marine environment, as it provides the ability to discern patterns of behavior, changes and potential threats to maritime security in the spaces jurisdictional and common global. Facilitates cooperation and contributes to the global governance for the maintenance of the freedom of navigation of the seas, the prevention of and response to the accident, the maintenance of lines of communication and the accessibility to the property. Also, the Center allows, to strengthen alliances and partnerships with existing and emerging to address common challenges, establish security conditions favorable countering the aggression or coercion directed to our interests and those of friendly countries.
[1] Set of all areas and things of, on, under, relating to, adjacent to, or bordering on a sea, ocean or other navigable waterway, including all sea-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, and vessels and other means of transport.
[2] National constitution, the Fourth Chapter, The head of the cabinet and other ministers of the Executive Power.
Article 100.- The chief of cabinet ministers and other ministers, secretaries whose number and competence will be established by a special law, shall be in charge of the dispatch of the business of the Nation, and refrendarán and legalizarán the acts of the president for signature, without whose requirement lack of efficacy.
At the chief of the cabinet of ministers, with responsibility for policy at the Congress of the Nation, is to:
1. To exercise the general administration of the country.
2. The issuance of the acts and regulations as are necessary to exercise the powers conferred in this article and those delegated by the president of the Nation, with the approval of the minister-secretary of the branch to which the act or regulation referred to.
3. Making the appointment of employees of the administration, except those corresponding to the president.
4. Exercise the functions and powers delegated by the president of the Nation, and in agreement of the cabinet to resolve on the matters indicated by the Executive Power, or by its own decision, in those that due to their importance deems necessary, in its area of competence.
5. Coordinate, prepare and convene the meetings of the cabinet of ministers, presiding over them in case of absence of the president.
6. Send to Congress a draft act of ministries and national budget, after treatment in accordance cabinet and the approval of the Executive Power.
7. Do raise the income of the Nation and run the national budget law.
8. Endorse the regulatory enactments of the laws, decrees that provide for the extension of ordinary sessions of the Congress or call special sessions and messages from the president to promote the right of legislative initiative.
9. To attend the sessions of the Congress and participate in its deliberations but not to vote.
10. Once the start of the regular sessions of the Congress, submit along with the other ministers a detailed report on the state of the Nation relating to the business of the respective departments.
11. Produce reports and explanations, verbal or written that either of the Chambers may request of the Executive.
12. Countersign decrees which exercise powers delegated by Congress, which will be subject to the control of the Bicameral Commission Permanent.
13. Endorse in conjunction with the other ministers decrees of necessity and urgency, and the judgments, which are partially promulgated laws. Submit personally and within ten days of the sanction these decrees to the consideration of the Bicameral Commission Permanent.
The head of the cabinet of ministers will not be able to play simultaneously with another ministry.
(Title replaced by art. 5° Decree N° 7/2019 B. O. 11/12/2019) ARTICLE 16.- The powers of the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers with political responsibility before the Congress of the Nation, established in the National Constitution. Consequently, it belongs: 1. Comply with and enforce the Constitution and the National legislation in force.2. To exercise the general administration of the country and assist the President of the Nation in the political management of the administration. 3. To exercise the powers of management delegated to it by the President of the Nation, in respect of the powers of it. 4. Understand the organization and convening of the meetings and resolutions of the cabinet, coordinating the issues. 5. Coordinate and monitor the activities of the Ministries and of the different areas in your office doing your programming and control strategic, in order to obtain consistency in the actions of the administration and increase their effectiveness.6. Coordinate the relations of the EXECUTIVE POWER with both Chambers of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, its Committees and members, in pursuance of the powers assigned to it by the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION seeking the highest level of fluidity in these relationships and the soon to process the messages of the President of the Nation that promote the right of legislative initiative.
[4] Decentralised agencies of the National Public Administration with competence in the marine environment:
1. Management of National Parks
2. National administration of Civil Aviation
3. Agency of Access to Public Information
4. Agency for Management of State Assets
5. National agency of Materials Controlled
6. National agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation
7. Auditor General of the Nation
8. Nuclear Regulatory Authority
9. International centre for the Promotion of Human Rights
10. National commission of Space Activities
11. National Atomic Energy commission
12. Commission, the National Evaluation and Accreditation of University
13. National commission for Transport Regulation
14. National council of Scientific and Technical Research
15. National directorate of Migration
16. National board of Communications
17. National board of Works, Water Sanitation
18. National Geographic Institute
19. National institute of Partnerships and Social Economy
20. National institute of Indigenous Affairs
21. National institute of Research and Development of Fishing
22. National institute of Industrial Property
23. National institute of Tourism Promotion
24. National institute of Industrial Technology
25. National institute of Water
26. Board of Transportation Safety
27. Regulatory agency of Safety of Dams
28. A Regulatory agency of the National System of Airports
29. National registry of People (RENAPER)
30. Argentinean Mining Geological Service
31. National Weather Service
32. Sindicatura General de la Nación
33. Superintendent of occupational Risks
34. Superintendent of Insurance of the Nation
35. Superintendence of Health Services
36. Court of Appraisals
37. Tax court of the Nation
38. Financial Information unit