Design of energy policy – Horacio Aldo Terrible


The present document refers to the definition and structuring of Public Policies based on the guidelines outlined in the first report of the Observatory of Strategic Affairs. In this framework, the main objective is to contribute to the design of a strategy with a projection in the medium and long term, considering their “impact” as inputs to the formulation of different policies. 

From the energy point of view, of the premises that punctuate the analysis refer to a consolidation of a productive matrix diversified intended to generate energy security, seeking to consolidate interdependent relationships at local and regional level. This will be possible, thanks to the survey data, statistics and studies on the impact of economic, social, political, and strategic. 

In that same line of argument, a second part we analyze the redistribution of power between the people's Republic of China (RPCH) and the united States of America (USA) and which appreciates in value the importance of the domain of the seas and oceans to determine the likely impact of these Trends on the stage South Atlantic and antarctic in terms of climate change and maritime governance, with a view to the next ten years. The purpose of this second part is to outline a possible path of a national maritime strategy as a palliative to the impacts

The methodology used is based on the Document developed by the office of the Cabinet of Ministers “Guide for planning and monitoring of the management of public policies, national Directorate of management by results”. It is also used in the theoretical plan developed by Tamayo (1997), which seek to respond to the definition of the “stages” of the process in which they are inserted public policies to reduce the existing gaps between the current situation and the desired situation. Given the breadth and complexity of the problem refers only to a dimension by policy. Finally, we establish some general frameworks for the development of policies possible and sustainable in time. 

Design of Energy Policy 

To consolidate the power supply in conditions of safety, quality, and price, while maintaining a sustainable balance between the efficient use and preservation of the environment.Offer Concentrated
Increases in consumption on the part of developing countries
The absence of complementarity between different sources
Cuts (industry, households)
Generation concentrated vs. distributed generation (renewable)
Dependence of hydrocarbons 
Climate change 
Absence of an international governance 
Establishment of regulations of the market
Development and Investment (R & D technology)
New forms of generation (Shale gas, biomass, etc)
International associations
Application of measures of energy security
Definition of strategic minerals
Ministry of FOREIGN Ministries of Defense, Security, Economy, Production, Transportation, Secretary of Energy, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, ministry of the Environment.
Affect the Development of Industrial, Economic and Social


In the present study we used the cases Transener, CAMMESA, YPF and NCEA because they are the main actors related to the security of supply. 


Interest: To ensure the provision of electric service, with a level of quality, effectiveness and efficiency that meets the expectations of the customers, agents of the electricity market, shareholders, employees and the community in general.Organizational resources. Transener owns, operates and maintains the Network of Energy Transport in Extra High-Voltage, under its Concession Agreement, which gives it the exclusive right to provide the public service of electric power transmission at high voltage (550 kV) inside your Network for a period of 95 years from the July 17, 1993. In the short term, the system has provided a demand in the SADI maximum 28000Mw. Economic and political resourcesSales revenues regulated and sales revenue non-regulated operations have been carried out of the incorporation of the generating and transmission equipment, and transformation SADI (in response to needs of network configuration and automation of processes). The generation of surface in renewable constitutes a challenge for the development of the transport network, especially in the NOA region, atlantic Area of the province of Buenos Aires and Patagonia. The Secretariat of Energy presents the technical framework, the planning is more specific to the power sector lies in CAMMESA and Transener (Renewable and non-renewable)Cognitive resources: Highly skilled Human resources. 

Interest: Maximize the security of the System and the quality of the supplies, and to minimize the wholesale prices on the Market hours of energy, forecasting and scheduling efficiently the operation of the MEM and SADI.Organizational resources: In the last decade has built gradually, various forms of generation, mainly through thermal power plants, but in a proportion increasingly important in terms of Hydro Economic and political resources: The TOTAL demand of the COUNTRY to average levels ended up with an increase as compared with the same period of the previous year in the order of 4.7%. Similar to the behavior of the last month, there was a growth in all types of consumption, the demand girl or residential, in the intermediate consumption and in great demand, where this last one today is found in levels of consumption are very similar, and even in some cases more, to demand pre-quarantine and the year 2019. In front of a heat generation lower, the total fuel consumption was lower compared to month-to-month, with a performance similar to the park's thermal. While the gas is the main fuel in terms of availability and use, the consumption in this was lower than in the same month of the previous year, approx. -7 Mm3/d. In terms of alternative fuels, while the matrix of consumption was different (higher GO opposite to a lower consumption of FO), the total consumption equivalent gas was equal to the same month of the previous year, in the order of +7 Mm3/d equivalent GN, where part of it is associated to the export. According to the prices of gas in place, in regard to the mix between price per basin/bidding, and the price of the real Bolivia/LNG, the average price of gas in November 2021 would be located around 3.50 us$/MMBTu. Greater attention and priority to the logistics of gas oil mainly in plants of low autonomy and supply. “Cammesa has informed that the logistics on the river is faster and more efficient.” Cognitive resources: Highly skilled Human resources.  

Interest: Market products to meet the needs of energy and its derivatives, ensuring availability, agility, and excellence in service.Organizational resources: Commercial structure. Installed capacity for energy generation (19.459 MW contemplating gas turbines and combined-cycle -gas-and-steam-)Economic and Political resources: we have very good conditions to improve the reliability and security of supply of natural gas and develop the value chain (services) are potentially important.Cognitive resources: Highly skilled Human resources.

InterestTo create new capabilities for science and technology at national level in the area of characterization and investigation of materials and components that are used by the nuclear industry and other sectors. Offer new applications in the field of science and technology. Empower and train human resources for the full use of the facilities, while preserving the health of the population, the staff and the environment in generalOrganizational resources: Power generation installed (1755 MW). Limited power of intervention. The value chain of the Nuclear Energy is made up of (security of supply): Nuclear Fuel Argentinos S. A-CONUAR- (production of fuel elements). DIOXITEK SA (main supplier of uranium dioxide). Factory Alloys and Special -FAE- (pods and components of Zincaloy produces the fuel rods) Company Neuquén Engineering Services S. E-ENSI- (heavy water production plant PIAP arroyito Neuquén). INVAP S.E. Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S. A-NA-SA- (generation of electricity from the fuel elements generated by CONUAR). Technological pole Constituent SAEconomic and Political resources: Limited economic subject to the budget, advantage is that some entities autarchic system have the ability to offer services. Cognitive resources: Highly skilled Human resources, coupled with a strong integration with the university sector, high level of international recognition, but of limited development in the country as a result of the scarce resources available economic and political cycles that hold the nuclear projects.

Mapping the Problem

It is essential to design a productive matrix diversified that will allow us to face the problem, so it's essential to know what are the factors that are causing it. 

Generate Energy Security without impacting negatively on the climate change,Higher levels of demand, the greater population and economic growth: more consumption.To diversify the supply and sources of generation,Have a source of energy suitable, reliable and affordable,Poor integration at regional and local level (TDF is not connected to the SADI),Cost of energy production with implications for industrial competitiveness Renewable energy is sustainable in the long run, but with problems of scale in terms of production,Availability and accessibility,Sector with strong distortions of prices,Budget limitations for investments motivating their funding via loans from multilateral agencies or States (IDB-CAF-China),Costs of production and development (R & D), which affects the development of the value chains,The impossibility of implementing energy efficiency measures in every link of the production chain,Guard of the strategic minerals and the development of your value chain.
Generate Energy Security without negatively impacting the climate changeTo generate higher levels of energy by reducing carbon emissions (greenhouse effect), which is obtained through the diversification of sources and transitional measures.
Higher levels of demand, the greater population and economic growth: more consumption.The energy needs are increasing, not only from industry but also on the part of households. This situation is compounded by the population growth (higher concentrations of ecúmene in urban centres) and the changes in the temperatures that motivate upload in demand. The country (an increase of dependence on the level of supply) was forced to import to cover the peak consumption of energy, it is also taken as palliative measures, the suspension of the activity of work published face-to-face (Dec. 16/2022). 
To diversify the supply and sources of generation.We have established efforts to reduce the consumption of fossil sources for those that do not generate negative impacts on the environment (greenhouse gases), mainly in the generation of electric energy, for the industrial production and logistics (transportation). The big problem is that the energies alternatives do not yet have the capacity to replace the generation by sources of fossil origin.
Have a source of energy suitable, reliable, and affordable prices.Alternative sources of energy generation (transition: wind, geothermal, solar, biogas etc.), while reducing the dependence on fossil fuels even have limitations with respect to the scale, blink, costs, and the incorporation of strategic minerals for the production of equipment, resulting in cost increases by preventing its massiveness. 
Poor integration at regional and local level (TDF is not connected to the SADI).While there are agreements binational for the generation of energy in the region, has not yet been able to establish a strategic partnership in the database to a structure of a co-operative between the generating countries and transit. 
Cost of energy production with implications for industrial competitiveness.Energy is important for the competitiveness of the economies, as it affects the costs of production of production activities and the purchasing power of households. The cost of energy has become an important dimension of international competitiveness, generating changes in the energy market that have affected the relative prices of the goods that the different countries export.
Renewable energy is sustainable in the long run, but with problems of scale in terms of production.While there are clean sources of generating energy (wind, solar), these have limitations around the scale, therefore, the main problem is the role of the mass storage and the substitution of other sources of generation. 
Availability and accessibility.The availability of the allocation of resources motivates you to import energy. You can not always meet the demand with our own resources. 
Sector with strong distortions of prices.Asymmetries, market distortions, the Freezing of rates, withholdings and gas-crude oil, affected by cartels and oligopolies.
Budget limitations for investments motivating their funding via loans from multilateral agencies or States (IDB-CAF-China).The public budget has very low levels of investment in new energy infrastructure (Example: distortions of prices) The new works of power are all from (China National offshore Oil (CNOOC) 3.100 MUss; China Petroleum and Chemical (Sinopec) 2.470 Muss; State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) projects associated with YPF1.400Muss; Xinjiang Goldwind 370 Muss, Nextview New Energy Lithium –270Muss; Envision Energy alternative energy 290 Muss; Gezhouba Group Corporation-known as the Condor Cliff and La Barrancosa).CAF gave 80M USS to TDF to update their turbines-generating-fired power to gas. IDB financed projects in clean energy.
Costs of production and development (R & D), which affects the development of the value chains.The technologies applied to the production of clean energy (who has the technology to produce energy and how they are funded countries), cobra significant value to the minerals which are critical/ strategic. 
The impossibility of implementing energy efficiency measures in every link of the production chain.With the increasing development of the technical and R & D activity, there are technological cycles that contribute to the energy efficiency, the country measures have been applied in relation to the final consumption (solar panels, etc). Still lacking in terms of transmission, distribution.
Protection of natural resources and strategic and the development of your value chain.Currently, the country does not provide with an appropriate legislation for the safeguarding and development of the strategic minerals at the national level (rare earths, lithium, gold, etc). The main application, but not only is the defense (E.G. superconductors, development of drugs, weapons, etc). Their eventual neglect has strategic implications. On the other hand, the country is a net exporter of raw materials with little industrialization. (see the case of Shandong Gold with a net investment of 960 M USS).


The main problem is the supply risk (increases the levels of vulnerability and dependence).

1.- Incineration of biomass and waste for the production of electricity

Argentina possesses through the CNEA a low-cost project reactor BIOMASS, based on the use of a gas plasma and the controlled burning of organic waste obtained power generation for remote areas or disconnected from the national interconnected electric system.

Your implementation of both technical, scientific, and economically it is simple and it has supported with funding from the United Nations Organization, in particular the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), for the production of biogas from Municipal Solid Waste is organic (MSW).

2.- Biogas

The biogas can be used to obtain electrical energy, thermal energy or mechanical energy, when it is being used for this purpose correspond to the incentives that govern the law 26.190 and 27.191 (scheme for promotion of renewable energy). 

The biogas can also be used as a fuel to produce thermal energy (as heat for space heating, water heating, cooking, or industrial processes) and mechanical energy (as in internal combustion engines for transport). 

In such cases, apply the Law 26093 of biofuels, which it defines as such, bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas which is produced from raw materials of agricultural, agro-industrial or organic waste, complying with the quality requirements established by the authority of the application. In accordance with the Law 26093, may only produce biofuels plants-enabled to meet the requirements in terms of quality and sustainable production, for which the submitted projects must be subjected to a procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), including the treatment of effluents and waste management.

Although by the middle of the burning and disposal of Urban Waste (Plants of Electric Power Generation from Biogas (MSW) we can obtain energy from biomass in Europe since a decade ago, is exploited for the biomass from the solid waste of the rearing of cattle, poultry, etc, These solids produce biogas, by use of biodigesters, of various scales, and with different materials. In this sense, the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), for the production of biogas from Municipal Solid Waste is organic (MSW).

The most advanced project, already under construction, is the biodigester for the use of the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (Forsu) of the Market in Fruit and vegetables of the municipality, the province of buenos aires Escobar –which is demonstrative only -.

In other cases, they are in the stage of project executive the uptake of biogas in the Ecopark Gualeguaychú, entre Ríos; and the uptake and utilization of gas from a landfill in Fachinal, Missions (with a minimum power of 600 KW).

The biogas generated through the use of biomass also has funding through the medium of the funds used by the Global Environment Facility (GEF, the Global Fund for the Environment) through the UNDP (UN).

This short-term policy is achievable without great economic effort, does not depend for its execution of a state funding, since there are already fund allocated from the outside, and the impact will be visible not only in the generation of electricity, but from the ecology, recycling and the impact of both urban, demographic and labour. You only need political consensus for a quick implementation, almost immediately. And the impact will be positive, in particular on the manufacturers of such matter (biogas) that through the use of the Law of P. P. P can dinamizarse the production of gas and electricity economically viable for our country. 

Both projects would almost immediately the gradual elimination of landfills open to the sky, landfills, and air pollution, as well as the eradication of transmissible infectious diseases and bacterial. The impact is to demonstrate in the very short term in demography (health), the ecology and socio-labour.

3.- Recovery and modernization of the Wind Park Antonio Morán.

The Wind farm Antonio Moran used to be a pioneer in the exploitation of wind energy from a wind turbine, this policy proposes the establishment of an agreement Secretariat of Energy, in the Province of Chubut and companies to start operating and updating of the Wind power of 33 MW of installed capacity is 17 km from Comodoro Rivadavia, in the iconic Cerro Arenal in order to re-produce energy, renewable and non-polluting. The program includes:

– Retrieve the wind turbines GAMESA out of service.

– Avoid the use of non-renewable fuels and pollutants, thereby saving fuel (5.160 tons of oil and 5.900.000 m3 per year of natural gas), according to the estimates made by the park. 

– Implement a fee rational that allow the maintenance of the service, as well as the future increase of the park of wind turbines in Comodoro Rivadavia. 

4.- To evaluate the implementation of a wind farm in cuesta del viento San Juan recovery of the hydroelectric namesake. Currently the hydroelectric dam is operational. On the basis of this policy seeks to:

– Conduct feasibility studies of the project and an economic analysis of profitability for the Wind farm in the area of Cuesta del Viento given that it is essential to know the market conditions to ensure the profitability of the project. 

– Validate the measurements of records of winds on existing areas of interest, as well as improve the number, quality and accuracy of measurements of winds for the specific conditions of the wind turbines are expected.

– Project approval by the Executive Power of the Provincial and national levels through the relevant agreements.

– Allocation of budgetary resources for its construction by the key system in hand.

– Manufacturing and installation of 20 wind turbines that would generate an average of 46.6 GWh/year (according to forecasts consulted in CAMMESA).

5.- Utilization of geothermal energy 

Argentina has large geothermal fields (Valley of Cure, Tolhuin, Neuquen, Santiago del Estero, among other locations with the potential for the development of this energy). The most important is located in the town of Caviahue in the Province of Neuquén, as well as lower intensity, in the natural hot springs that exist in Santiago del Estero, in the hot Springs of Rivers, Deep, in Mendoza, in the valley of Cacheuta, and in the province of Bs. Ace. at different points of the same.

The geothermal development requires a development scientist noun and higher viability at any park national wind or solar thermal, where none has reached the productivity desired, it is more wind farms national almost are out of service by the destruction of their turbines because the steps were not thought to winds in excess of 80 km/h as there are in these latitudes.

The geothermal development represents a possibility of association with the USA or RUSSIA for its development, as well as integration with countries as remote as the Philippines and Iceland.

The possibilities of energy for Argentina in this field, are comparable to developed countries such as ICELAND, RUSSIA and the PHILIPPINES, in particular (the Philippines) that by means of geothermal energy provided the 26,44% of the total electricity to your country and 19,903 GW/hour of electric power for a total demand of 75,266 Gw/hour; and all this through the development of the General Electric in the area of geothermal energy.

In the case of Iceland, in particular, is the largest producer of renewable energy per capita in the world, and the largest electricity producer per capita, with approximately 55,000 kWh per person per year. In comparison, the EU average is less than 6,000 kWh. Approximately 85% of the total primary energy supply in Iceland comes from renewable energy sources produced in this nordic country. In 2016, the geothermal energy provided about 65% of the primary energy of Iceland, the share of hydropower was 20%, and that of fossil fuels (mainly used for transport) was 15%. The main use of geothermal energy is the heating of buildings and facilities, public and private. About 85% of all houses in Iceland are heated with geothermal energy.

Today (2021), almost 100% of the electricity consumed in this small country of 330,000 people comes from renewable energy. In addition, 9 out of 10 homes are heated directly by geothermal energy.

The history of the transition in Iceland the use of fossil fuels from other sources can serve as an inspiration to other countries that seek to increase their percentage of renewable energy.

The feasibility and wide availability of this source of nearly unlimited energy within its territory (Iceland has over 200 active volcanoes) was the direct consequence of the generation of new jobs and new sources of generation of economic resources, in particular the mining of cibermonedas and ciberdivisas (Bitcoins, Ethereum, etc). The energy used by the market to mining bitcoins in Iceland is experiencing “exponential growth” and the data centers can use more power than all the houses in the country in 2018, said Johann Snorri Sigurbergsson of the energy company icelandic HS Orka. The nordic country has unique conditions that make it a “Mecca” of the mining of this type of virtual coins. Variables such as your cold-weather, the cheap energy and the high-speed networks have been converted to Iceland in the paradise of the mining criptomonedas. The hardware mining generates large amounts of heat, and the cold climate of Iceland throughout the year saves companies the cost of additional temperature control. 

Faced with such a boom of this activity, the icelandic government has already been put to work to “regulate” this type of new activities. For a start has already been proposed taxing the profits made by mining companies bitcoins with the goal that a large part of this mined to have an impact on the public coffers of the country. It is for this reason that Iceland does not provide electric service to new miners of Bitcoins. From the 7th of December 2021, the public service of the country will not accept new applications of electrical energy, which introduce the operations of mining Bitcoins. To date, companies such as Hive Blockchain, Genesis Mining and Bitfury (all of canadian origin and british) have established their presence in Iceland and represent 50% of the power consumption of the country.

That is to say, that, as a summary, the experiences of the Philippines and Iceland, make it viable not only the generation of electricity, but also can provide heating in a systematic manner to large groups of the population, as well as be able to attract the large technology firms, which generate jobs. 

Unlike the previous policies (use of biomass) the creation of geothermal energy is more complex, and require funding from both the state and external. It also has parallels with the energy industry, oil, given that it should build and explore wells-specific, which not all are viable. Matter, then, to an inherent risk to their technical and economic viability, which requires large studies, and highly skilled labor. In the case of argentina in particular is already possesses the last two, but not of the funding for its implementation. 

As we were pointing out the examples of Iceland and the Philippines, electricity, geothermal is not only viable, but that it has multiple positive impacts from the economic, the ecological, the social, labour, industrial and commercial.   

You can't stop thinking about also using this technology in its application to small-scale or home. The development of housing suitable for the use of the generation geothermal home, it could mean the State National for great savings, as the disconnect indirectly the national interconnected electric system would be achieved by self-home and surpluses of the same could be used in the interconnected system. 

In fact, the cost of making the wells required in a geothermal installation would be similar to an installation of solar panels. For areas that are easy to drill, such as, for example, the soils of granite, the cost per linear meter is around 22-25 €, however, in areas with terrain shortly statements, where it is necessary to use technologies of drilling more expensive, the price is around 30-35 € per linear meter of drilling. Geothermal “home” is the heating system more efficient than currently exists. Its operation is based on harnessing the energy that accumulates in the subsoil. This allows to achieve savings of up to 80% compared to other systems. For a house of 180 m2 the price of a complete installation with geothermal energy would be around 22,000 € with imported equipment, with national teams and the same would go to the half price.

In residential areas, high-density, occupational, and large horizontal dimensions as it is the complex Nordelta in the Match of the Tiger or the complex of Cardales in the Match of the Bell, both of the province of Buenos Aires, it might mean the complete disconnection of the gas system, which could address the supply to areas of residence vertical (buildings), or to the light industry and heavy that they need large amounts of fluids, gaseous to its furnaces.

If these complexes could combine the use of solar panels and wells geothermal, it would be energetically self-sufficient and can save the energy consumption of almost a million people. Down so drastically greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

The funding could be achieved with micro-finance loans personal through the B. N. A. for every home and will be generated in this way as a direct impact employment by the placement of the pipes, the company smes drilling and excavation, installers, placement of equipment and pumps, etc.

On the other hand, in the summers, if achieved, excess energy production, the same can be transferred to the electrical network with the investment or payment to the micro-producer for his contribution to electrical as happens in the U.S.

The impact of both environmental and labour would be immediate and would not require large amounts of investment, as with a trust state of a pool of banks could finance the appropriations that would be recovered in less than 48 months, and it would matter to the National State a conversion of part of its energy matrix and a savings of substantive on fossil fuels.

6.- Development of Atomic Energy

For Argentina, the challenge will be to rethink your array, and take advantage of the technologies developed by the CNEA, not only in energy-atomic, as is the project CAREM 25, the unique modular reactor civilian world for local generation of energy. While there are three models in other parts of the world, they are experimental and different to the one proposed by Argentina, in this specific matter, only the USA, Belt of the South and China have theoretical models to practical. 

In the case of argentina, the CAREM is in the implementation stage, and its completion is estimated by the end of 2024. Atomic energy, strongly resisted by the events that happened in Fukushima and the damage to the environment, is once again possible to be reborn due to the energy crisis of Europe's power is green, as called by the media to the energy crisis today. 

Not only the CAREM reactor modular argentine, (which, like the GDR and the OPAL can become a success in sales), there is a policy, atomic own forgotten in Argentina due to lack of funding and of a consensus in policy development.

In regard to the production of electrical energy the country has the rights and the know-how for the production and construction of CANDU-PESCARMONA.

This model of reactor, acquired to Canada and which was amended by the company IMPSA (Pescarmona SA) works with an extended life of more than 50 years and is the reactor that more Gigawatts produced from the interconnected electric system in argentina.

Your time, let us remember that the production of atomic energy produces large amounts of distilled water returned without use and sanitized of its source of origin.

Taking the israeli model, atomic reactors that use turbines steam and generated such a large surplus of water distilled, desalinizadas, should be directed to areas of irrigation or mining or oil industry.

In this way, with a network of new infrastructure aqueduct (now very cheap to build since the use of recycled plastics for driving remote) could be resolved by the need of water for the mining of the open sky or desert areas, or for agricultural or forestry same of Patagonia in its entirety.

This could salvaguardase aquifers Guarani and Puelche and relieve the pressure of water on rivers like the Sweet, Salty or Paraná, as well as the Black River, Colorado and tributaries.

In turn, due to the energy crisis is also linked to the fuels, it opens up the gap of the study and production for boats with drives atomic, which have zero emissions of CO2. Already in the 60s of the last century, Germany had experimented with two freighters atomic with excellent results, not to mention the record-breaking efficiency of the armed americans, british, French and Russian support for his strategic weapon in this propulsion with little accidents since more than 21 years ago (the submarine Kursk was the last major wreck nuclear).

As has already been developing the CNEA, supplies medical disposables and radiological materials have almost the monopoly of argentine medical market, but they are open great possibilities of export to african countries, arab or where it has begun to sell these products.

The reactors of teaching and experimentation, which will be extremely important for poor nations in order to learn how to operate this type of energy, are another niche market that CNEA has been known to explode by now feebly, as with exports to the Netherlands, Peru, Egypt, Australia, among others, has earned a reputation on your activity. But from this energy crisis, the business opportunity that does not collide with the interests or american, or Russian, or british, or French, leave room to mount a public policy of export.

Also the same CNEA along with the CONAE are in development of new products related to the communications, aerospace, everything is linked with atomic energy, as new materials and alloys that require the exploration of space, are almost always tested in environments of high radiation, by which the developments of the INVAP move together between the atomic and space satellite.

Special materials, compounds, and alloys, are also application specific to the mining industry, medical, aeronautics, naval, scientific and agri-food.

The vocation of development should be linked strongly with the commercial vocation to the sale and export, with a vision aimed at developing countries or poor people so as not to intervene in conflicting interests.

In addition, Argentina has a laser technology emerging both in the enrichment of uranium, applications of radar, LIDAR (very much required in cars autonomous, equipment for search and rescue, which are also applicable to the construction, marking aeronautical and naval.

The state development of these activities can also compensate for deficiencies in the field of sensitive technologies such as acquisitions of technologies banned from defence and security, where there are monopolies of fact and law. As, for example, the laser SCANNER for customs or police use all of them of origin americans.

Both CNEA as its unit of production and business that is the INVAP, which can and should bring to Argentina within the context of the nations elite of technological development, recalling clear is that both are institutions that reported a positive balance of budget surpluses.

The granting of most budgets, and take the american model to integrate private companies or marketers private, together with state institutions (CNEA – INVAP – CONAE) more universities across the country, would this synergy techno-productive that could replicate the model in other industrial and commercial sectors.

To do this it is necessary that all the political blocs national reach an agreement on a public policy to long-term sustainable development with concrete strategies to 20, 30 and 40 years, taking reference or the development model of the american, or the development model of the French that are the most compatible with our economies. There is another issue to come to an agreement as did Hipólito Yrigoyen on higher education, or the same political agreement achieved Sarmiento y Avellaneda regard to the National Education. Also that these strategies will not stumble with the ups and downs of the national economy, you can take the model of self-management and economic direction that it was so successful, both in YPF S.E. and SEGBA S.E. in the 70 years of the TWENTIETH century.

Also on an urgent basis and in response to the advances in the field of NUCLEAR FUSION on the basis of large magnets, and tritium (source, no pollution, atomic or nuclear – no waste-) France is developing the I. T. E. R. which involved more than 40 countries, among them Brazil and Russia among others, and this project represents the most important advancement of humanity if it came to term, since it would produce energy almost unlimited at very low costs, with the exception of those of the infrastructure primary, it is vital to adhere to such a project, as well as the development of the W7-X from Germany or the Tokamak of Russia or China. 

In its turn, could be exploited in a sustainable manner the provinces of Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, San Juan, or the same Mendoza, rich in deposits of gold, iron, uranium, and the very valuable lantanos (rare earths).

In this way, not only with the lithium, which is abundant in our north, but also with a mining coordinated with the activity of atomic, not only would the fuel in a constant and sustainable from the ecological point of view, but also could raise the self-sufficiency industrial electric cars with I. A. that require lithium batteries, electricity for charging, and magnets from rare-earth elements.

Also in a secondary form of the same scheme is repeated for the development of hardware and communications equipment radiological doctor as Resonators, Nuclear Magnetic, ct Scanners, computers Rx 5° generation, equipment Mammograms, all of them dependent, radioactive material, large magnets neodymium (rare earth), Coltan (lanthanum). All this, under the control of the CNEA, the INVAP, CITEDEF and CONAE.

The impact will be beneficial for the whole population, at all levels, but particularly from eco-friendly because along with the electricity geothermal could be placing Argentina as one of the top producers of electric with zero emissions of methane and CO2.

And, in addition, choose in the future for the rights of green bonds or redeem the same for other industries that if you pollute within the territory.

Here, the public policy in the long term it should be supported by all the political blocs and economic, because the extension on the deadlines, studies and feasibility with long, as well as the security systems that should be implemented for their use. 

The self-management of economic projects could be a sustainable way to such a policy and that does not impact strongly on the national budget. There is wide experience in the management of this area, what is needed is the unbroken continuity of the state actors in order to avoid discontinuities in development projects atomic periods 1990-2001 and 2015-2019.

7.- Hydroelectric Power Generation

Argentina presents a stagnation noun of your electric development is in the field of hydropower. The last great work plant was Yacyretá in 2000 (with delays and corruption for completion of the same), allowing stalled the development of the dams Condor Cliff and La Barrancosa, in Patagonia, Argentina; and the mega-project PARANA MEANS in Santa Fe – Between Rivers.

In particular, the mega project of Paraná Medio, which began in the 70s of the TWENTIETH century was arrested in its development by the interruption of the democratic process in argentina. When he returned to the bed of democracy; and the situation of two serious issues. The first, had done all the research and development, feasibility by means of Russian companies, american (turbine G. E.), and the electrical installations with France (Thompson S.E.) and had to take decisions regarding the start: the second the funds for the execution of such contracts were confiscated SEGBA S.E., for which we determined erroneously not to continue with the project, which led to power outages scheduled 1988-1989.

Although, this project is one of the most resisted by the developers of farm, the benefits of the construction of the same would lead to:

  1. A source of creation of direct and indirect jobs for 10 years in the area related to the Paraná river, estimated at nearly a million men.
  2. Reactivation of the cement industry, construction (materials) with a recovery of nearly 500 thousand jobs.
  3. The revitalization of the National Universities of the Paraná basin Medium, and High.
  4. Stabilization of the flow of water through the mirror lake created, thus avoiding the effects of the “Boy” and “Girl”.
  5. Greater control of the river traffic of the waterway Paraná by the Argentine Naval Prefecture.
  6. Best of sport fishing.   
  7. Less ecological damage in the medium term.


Of the previous policies of short -, medium-and long-term derives a fourth state policy that will result from secondary industries that need to be developed as a result of the production of electricity. All electric generation in need of a fuel, a generator and a distributor. If they all production is the infeasibility of his reason.

Since the distribution of both home and commercial-industrial must be made through cables (of different sizes and calibers), stations and sub-stations of stabilization and also as in advanced countries of reservoirs (batteries-batteries) energy.

The re - creation of the private industry (Pirelli – Prysma – etc) of electrical conductors (wires, etc) will require specific materials like copper and plastic (petroleum) for which the revival of the mining industry should be local, as the country has large stocks of this mineral (Cu). The electrification of mass imposes to create policies that can sustain the oil industry that should be addressed to the creation of composite materials or specific as plastics and fibres, as vital as the same copper for the construction of cables and electrical wires.

As a direct consequence of the three public policy energy proposed above should be implemented:


Mining development must be aligned with policies agreed to between the provinces (originary owners of these resources, and with the constitutional rights of same) and the Federal State, clearly observing the environmental issues ecological (impact) and trying to avoid the double taxation tax or the excess of the same.

In this case, by means of treaties and/or consensus (conventions interstate) the National State must identify the strategic resources and the momentum of such studies through National Universities, opting for the industrial development of the national striving to benefit the local businesses and/or lending policies for their achievement.

Giving priority to the development of the mining of copper, uranium, cobalt, iron, aluminium (bauxite), zinc, vanadium, and lantanos –rare-earth -.

Such minerals or metal, also could be used as a stabilizing monetary reserves of the BCRA copying the model, chinese or Russian current. Do not neglect or abandon the politics of oil, as the energy industries in need of composite materials already created or to be created.

Should be given special interest and care to the issue of environmental and ecological order not to alter the environment and do not exert pressure on the ecosystem and the national population. You should take into account the mining policies for sustainable use of the European Union countries, besides adopting the ISO standards of the case.

In particular, each mineral should have a specific policy as the rules for oil and the use of the subsurface. Should be given emphasis in metals related to the technological developments that are obvious are the same that serve as back-monetary.

All the plates or electronic PCB containing at least one micron of gold, silver, platinum, copper, lantanos, tin, vanadium, chromium, nickel, manganese, aluminum, cadmium, iron, lead, mercury, among others.  

Each one of these materials is still in its minimum expression as a card or travel payments as a credit card has such metals, and many of these metals have led to and resulted in wars to your collection, recycling and/or reuse.

It is for this reason that the policy to be carried out with each metal is at least relevant to the analysis and strategic planning.

Follow mining policies such as the Chinese or Russian, would be of the greatest benefits that the regulatory regimes of today. Because in these countries the holdings in the hands of the private, must pay to the NATIONAL TREASURY to 50% of the metal is finished. That is to say, that, for every kilo of gold, silver, copper, tin, platinum, or lanthanum, the state must receive a kilogram equivalent. The effect of this measure is to generate strategic reserves of the same, which in turn help to regulate the prices in regional and global markets, thus avoiding the sharp falls in share price or the price increases are unsustainable. For its part, the effect could be obtained in this way metal to stabilize the economy and public finances. Already in the years 1903 to 1948, Argentina had one of the reserves of gold and silver, largest on the continent, which stabilized its currency and its economy for almost 40 years. The same thing happened with US until 1974, the dollar had a conversion metal automatic, then abandoned by the Nixon administration, with the consequent inflation, which then had to endure the Carter administration.

In this case, closer to our present, the Central Bank Russian stabilized three cumshots monetary base to its reserves of platinum, titanium and vanadium, to which sumo their gas reserves. Copying in part to the american model with the strategic reserve barrels oil WTI.

The damage produced by the mining extractive from be carefully measured and repaired in advance, being the reception of, or the creation of a retention direct metal-to each operator mining of metals. 

By which the impact also affect the stability monetary palpable and possible, contrary to the tested in the decade of the nineties of the last century.

These bookings also placed the country as an actor of importance in the international markets in achieving a weight that only today possess Brazil (gold), and Chile (copper).

A state policy of long-term, as the oil, but that is focused on metallic minerals could impact not only in the economic, geo-economic, or strategic, but in human development, specifically of the nation. Mining in systematic way that generates a substantial improvement of the economy daily, and an expansion considerable job as well as would give new impetus to the production of explosives that would encourage you to Fabricaciones militares.  


The energy generation will need to composite materials and innovations to lower costs of production which must be developed by a holding company private state taking the model of NASA or DARPA of the USA.

The use of the law Nr. 27328 (Public, Private or PPP) to emulate the project would be not only convenient, but also provide an impact on the industrial and commercial beneficial, not only to individuals but also to state coffers by the increase of the activity, and can also take advantage of the capabilities of the framework for the national university that would be the opportunity to generate youth employment qualified and/or programs of internship or first job. Since this activity requires very young people and creative.

The product of the research and developments on this matter could be in the future, comparable to the model agro-industrial and bio-technology that has been developed with success in Argentina in terms of the INTA – PRODUCERS – CONICET. Should not be ruled out the R & D of superconductors as the borosfenos and grafenos, as well as the application of rare-earth magnets. 


Of the above policies, not necessarily the energy industry would need even for the little (geo-thermal home + solar home) and the large electrical company will be users of large amounts of computer equipment and particularly of PCBS, by this logic, all the hardware you will need a software for your operating. Here we will find needs that developed states also played for the lack of expertise in this field and high-value-added. The development of this public policy will be of relevance, for the quantity and quality of development both in the R & D, as well as of human development, and professional of the general population. The shortage of specialists in this area at the global level requires us to review educational public policies, and to try to develop indigenously our technicians and scientists that will impact social a qualitative leap not only of business, but in addition to the social. Because the nations or the HUBS dedicated to the technology and the study of these materials substantially elevate the standard of living of all state actors, such as their citizens. The example uppercase this matter are Finland, Switzerland and the HUB of San Francisco + Silicon Valley in the united states, where it is objectively not only was obtained records of employment and high wages, but also improvements in the low-crime, best levels of life satisfaction, happiness (GINI), but also overcome the three decades of such implementations, the R & D of the computer is transformed in other major industries such as the artistic developments of the cinema animation 3D computed (Pixar Inc. – Ilumination Co.) and video games. GDP gross just video games mean the equivalent of the entire budget of the sub-saharan countries in africa. Amen to this, the software in particular requires of young people, creative and always is demanding a larger number of developers. They may not be replaced by Artificial Intelligence, because even if the same were to succeed auto programming, control systems and analysis systems and failures can only be human, and the implementation of these public policies require a high human development to attain the objectives set for a developed nation.

Linking strategic planning with the SDGS

The process of linking strategic planning, at the time of its design, with the ODS assists in:

  • Harmonize efficiently strategies of the various ministries and agencies of the National Public Administration.
  • To avoid duplication of actions between ministries.
  • Respond to cross-cutting priorities at the national level
  • Streamline the processes of adjustment of strategies and operations.
  • Promote the incorporation of a rights-based approach.
Agenda ODSStrategic planning sector
ODSGoal ODSIndicator ODSStrategic ObjectiveOutcome indicatorState actionIndicator of Product
ODS 7 “ENSURING ACCESS TO ENERGY THAT IS AFFORDABLE, SECURE, SUSTAINABLE AND MODERNA TO ALL”Goal #7.1By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable energy services, reliable, and modern.Indicator # 7.1.1.Percentage of population with access to electricityTo expand the delivery of quality public services and sustainable in time Access to electrical power Access to clean fuels or as a source of generating cleanIncrease the extension of the network into rural areas and improve the connectivity of urban N° of houses, Neighborhoods, and Public Buildings.
Goal #7.2By 2030, increase the proportion of renewable energy in the supply of energy.Indicator # 7.2.1Percentage of renewable energy in the final consumption Extending the terms of the energy transition Survey of the productive capacity of each/ analysis of potential development and orient the skills fundingEstablish funding programs in consumption mass Generation systems, solar Mw, access Programs, funding projects 
Goal #7.3By 2030, improving energy efficiency Indicator # 7.3.1Energy saving and energy efficiency To optimize the generation of electricity in terms of elements of energy efficiency in the development of the value chainSet new regulatory standards, facilities for industries that incorporate energy-efficient technologies Program of energy efficiency in appliancesProgram replacement lighting lighting-outdoor sex Program of spare parts in industrial enginesControl systems energy companies energy systems intensiveChange in transportation habitsPromotion of mobility systems electricEfficiency in producing machinesEstablish zones, calls on the basis of energy savings, implementation of public contracts to private in terms of cogeneration 
Goal #13.2 Incorporate measures related to climate change into policies, strategies and plans.Indicator # 13.2.1Emission of Greenhouse gasesEmission levels of greenhouse gasesAnnual goal of reduction in N%Educational programsEstablishment of plans and programs, general and sectoralPropose a plan of response to climate change (set up adjustments on the basis of periods in a year-on-year 3-5 years with achievable goals and measurable) Stable specific plans, industry and production sectors and households To promote awareness about climate change through educational and cultural activities that contribute to the formation and awareness of the society.

The sustainable development related to the energy sector, which aims to ensure that the whole population has access to energy in the form of economic, reliable, sustainable and moderna, which is related to energy sustainability and transverse to the other 16 SDGS social, economic, and environmental.