To ignore the importance of a comprehensive security policy of the State to the country's progress is to look at with “headlights”, without the strategic vision that we give the “beams”
By Fulvio Pompeo
Un gobierno nacional, que lleva adelante políticas erráticas que desconciertan al mundo, se vuelve impredecible y esto tiene graves consecuencias para el desarrollo no sólo en el presente, sino -lo que es más preocupante aún- para el futuro de nuestro país. An axis that articulates that trust is based on the coherence around the promotion of values.
La defensa de la democracia, la plena vigencia de los derechos humanos, así como también las condiciones de seguridad e institucionalidad del Estado hacen a ese conjunto de valores donde no podemos dejar de ser coherentes. “Vivir libres de temor y miseria”, usando la expresión que consagra Naciones Unidas, es un propósito que sin lugar a dudas nos permitirá alcanzar el bienestar de la comunidad, el desarrollo humano y la vida en democracia.
The current management, in their eagerness to make policy with objectives election, it seems to underestimate the value of the trust, without measuring the consequences. Not to condemn the systematic violations of human rights in Nicaragua and other Latin American countries has become commonplace in recent times. A policy that alienates us each time more and more of our regional partners, and that generates strong contradictions with the positions that historically, Argentina has defended the international level.
In this same sense, the involvement of days ago the argentine Ambassador in Chile, as a lawyer, Jones Huala, who was accused by the Justice of that country for committing terrorist acts, not only continues to damaging the deteriorating bilateral relationship with our neighbor to trans-andean, but genera gran desconcierto respecto de la defensa de estos valores a los que nos referíamos y también de nuestros intereses nacionales. Recall that the leader of the RAM has been shown openly in favor of denying the national sovereignty, promoting secession violent.
In addition to this, the recent decision by the national government of ignoring the problem that is passing through the province of Rio Negro, a situation that poses a clear threat to the national interests. To ignore the importance of a comprehensive security policy of the State to the development of the country is looking with “headlights”, without the strategic vision that we give the “beams”. It seems difficult to think that we can grow and develop without security conditions in the State that we become a country predictable and reliable.
These policies that is being carried out by the current administration of government seem to be a trend that moves away more and more of the spirit of the argentines who wish to live in peace and democracy. Let's not let that hipotequen the future with policies that look only with “low lights”.
*Este Articulo fue publicado en Infobae el día 30 de octubre