Objective: to Develop lines of action to address a global problem as it is illegal, through awareness-raising, the sanction, the participation and the possession of the necessary knowledge to be able to bring all of the reflected out.

Impacts involved:

1. Transition of power

5. Climate change

After the first report is given the full knowledge of the causes and consequences of the illegal fishing; taking into account their impact not only environmental, but also diplomatic, we will consider certain factors on the resolutions that can be fruitful for the appeasement of this type of fishing.

First we will address the topic environmental. As the first point, it is indispensable to the need of possessing the largest amount of information on fisheries resources. Again, it is important to promote a plan of partnership governance in order to raise awareness and encourage the fishery sustainable. I emphasize again the importance of owning the most information about the resources as possible, because of this we can derive a system of monitoring fisheries efficient, implement technologies of selective capture, and optimize the fishery resources, and in order to be able to implement more efficiently everything captured.

In terms of competitiveness, it was expressed that the fishing boats argentines are found in a wide disadvantage with respect to vessels fishing under no regulation. The Council is urged Federal Fisheries to carry a policy of reform, in order that the vessels nationals may fish at low cost, both economic and bureaucratic, thus leading to its replacement in the international market. In concordance, we consider viable the implementation of tax benefits on those ships that comply with the rules in the right way, being an incentive for its continuity in the market. Argentina's population is not noteworthy for having a diet rich in fish, unlike other countries in the region such as Chile or Peru, so that, following the line on the importance of competitiveness; there should be an emphasis on the relevance of the fish export to the argentine market, as in 20202 ranked eighth place in the export, exporting a total of 1730 million dollars.

In terms of the paradigm diplomat, it is important to implement effective sanctions to all those ships that violate the Regime's National Fishing (Law 24.922). The Prefectura Naval Argentina, must be provided with the necessary means to defend national sovereignty. And in case the vessel illegal represents a difficulty for the Naval Prefecture, you should go to international bodies to ensure that the sanction to be effective.

To ensure the requirement that foreign vessels have identification system satellite (Automatic Identification System) operating during the whole course of their operations. In sum, the free access of the satellite data, free of charge, ensuring the transparency of the software satellite.

Implement a policy of diplomatic and legal at the height of the problem. Not just for surveillance, but also proceed to action by this policy. Punish the flags that have the illegal vessels, in addition to the penalty to the british government for the sale of fishing licences in the argentine territory from the Falkland Islands. Applying a policy will be put at risk the lives of the crew members of the argentines.

In China, reviewing the dependence on exports and loans from that country. The limit chinese investments we alivianara the cost of putting a brake on predation maritime happens on our sea. We must not lose sight of the importance of the sovereignty of the sea that has lost Argentina over the years. In conclusion, to advocate for geopolitical sustainable, through treaties and legislation applicable, so that predation is not a means to obtain money, but that is what to consider and judge it as it is, a crime.

Awareness is a line of direct action towards this conflict. From the individual to the State, must know how to recognize the size of this problem it represents, and that has consequences of character harmful. The actions that are born from the individual, such as avoiding activities harmful to the environment, are only a small grain of sand. Small, but necessary.

From the State should raise awareness, not only to their own citizens, but to other States on the prey that becomes illegal, from a view of the environment, such as a human eye. Despite the fact that in these writings emphasized the importance of the sanctions, controls and monitoring; the awareness of the importance of the environment should go beyond what is merely punishable, but that should go in each individual, for you to achieve lead a life that is sustainable and friendly to the environment.

Predation towards the seas, and specifically into the argentine sea, it is a problem that already has history within our country. And despite all he has already tried, does not cease. However, throughout all of these lines I tried to collect those actions that can tackle a topic like attitude. And it should be noted, to conclude this writing, compared to a global problem, solutions are needed for global.


· Czerwacki, Alexander (13 march 2021). Mr. milko Schvartzman: “diplomacy argentina is not acting at the height of the circumstances against illegal fishing”. Diario Clarín. Retrieved from:

· Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina (s. f.). What is the solution? Retrieved from:

· Schvartzman, mr. milko; Hernández, Alejandro Esteban; Rubino, Paul Leonardo; and Carina, Andrea (2017).  Illegal fishing and slavery in the Falkland Islands. Report submitted to the International Relations Commission of the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation. Retrieved from:

· Prefectura Naval Argentina (s. f.). Summary operating results for the control of Sea-Fishing and River. Ministry of Security of the Nation. Retrieved from: